Wishart Outside School Hours Care (WOSHC) is run by the Wishart State School P&C Association. It is overseen by the Executive Committee, and parents who utilise the service are welcome to join the P&C. It is run on a ‘not-for-profit’ basis and relies solely on the fees charged to parents.
This centre is licensed under the Education and Care Services National Law Act 2011, and Education and Care Services National Regulations.
Before School Care is open from 7:00 am to 8:45 am. Activities include indoor games, construction, craft and handball. Breakfast is not provided but children may bring their own healthy breakfast from home and eat it at the Centre. Prep children are walked by staff to the Prep building.
After School Care is open from 3:00pm to 6:00pm. Activities include a range of games, craft and sporting activities. A quiet area is provided for children wanting to complete their homework. A healthy afternoon tea is supplied. Prep children are walked from the Prep building to the Centre.
Vacation Care is open from 7:00am to 6:00pm. Bookings are open 3 weeks before each holiday period. A healthy morning tea and afternoon tea is provided every day. Families will will need to supply a healthy lunchbox of food for lunch. The Vacation care program may also include incursions or excursions each week, which can incur an additional expense depending on the activity.
Casual Care is available to fill spaces when permanently booked children are an unable to attend (eg due to illness). To book a casual place, families must already be enrolled with WOSHC. To book casual Before School or After school care, log into the My Family Lounge App and select any days coloured green. Due to the additional administration required an increased cost is charged, as per the rates above.
Please note that fees may change from time to time. Child Care Subsidy is available to eligible families.
Families wishing to enrol are can register with the My Family Lounge. Please note, new registrations must be done in an internet browser. It will not work through the My Family Lounge app on your smartphone or tablet. Due to demand, WOSHC is currently using a Waiting list, so families will be offered places as space becomes available, as per their needs.
Once you are registered with the My Family Lounge, you can use the app to manage booking and enrolment details.
For more information on how to access and use My Family Lounge please refer to the Information sheet.
Using My Family Lounge - English
Using My Family Lounge - Chinese
If your child will be absent from WOSHC for any reason, you must mark their absence either via your MyFamily Lounge app, or by emailing absences.woshc@wishartsspnc.org. This includes all Prep to Year 6 children. The school and teachers do not advise us of their absence from school. If you collect your child from their classroom, please also use the app to mark non-attendance. If absences are not recorded, and missing child procedure needs to be followed in the afternoon, and additional $10 per child for non-notification of absence fee will be charged.