Our families are the heart and soul of our school. We provide not only the kids that bring us all together, but also the people, the ideas, the manpower and the passion that makes Wishart State School the truly standout school that we all enrolled for. Wishart State School P&C plans to make our school even better!
We all juggle jobs, parenthood, school runs, exercise, trips to the supermarket, kid’s sport, social commitments and more every day. But in order for us to make this calendar of exciting fundraising events a successful reality for us all, we need a little of your time as well.
Not all of our volunteers are able to help directly at events, so if this is you, then don't worry, there are plenty of behind the scene jobs that need doing, including graphic design, arranging printing and collating, and arranging sponsors and raffle prizes. Some of our volunteers just prefer to donate money, rather than time and resources.
We welcome all school parents. You don’t need to be a P&C member to volunteer.
To become a volunteer, go to the Volunteering page on the Wishart State School website. Read the Volunteers Information Sheet (2025) and the Mandatory Training Key Messages (2025) documents and return both documents signed to the school main office. If you are unable to print out the documents please see the school office for a copy. Once your form has been processed, you will be issued with a ‘Wishart State School Volunteer Confirmation’ for the current year. This is the document you will need to show staff members in the work area/s you are volunteering in.
Note: These forms are also required if you are willing to help with reading / writing / maths groups, swimming, Under 8’s or assisting on excursions.
Any contribution to our P&C is valued no matter how BIG or small.
Here’s just a few examples of what the P&C was able to achieve in recent years for our wonderful school, thanks to all of our amazing volunteers:
Donation for the upgrade to the area between D&E blocks with handball squares, hopscotch and snakes & ladders
Donation for the upgrade to the area between C&D blocks with a basketball/netball/volleyball court
Donation for the purchase of 3,788 ‘Decodable Readers’ for the school, with additional funding provided for more books to be purchased
Funding an additional 96 iPads for classrooms
Hosting prep transition morning teas for all new preppies and their parents to the school
Continuing to support the Active School Travel team
Funding sports uniforms for Wishart State School sports teams
Replaced and installed new ovens and industrial freezer in the Tuckshop.
Purchased 26x LEGO Stem kits for the school.
Purchased 20x new Laptops for the school.
Installation of stage lights, data projectors and projector screens in the hall.
And much more !!!!!!!