The P&C Association meets regularly throughout the year.

  • In Person: We meet from 6:30pm for a 6:45pm meeting start, in the school library.

  • Online: Via Microsoft Teams. If you wish to join us via Microsoft Teams, you can request a copy of the link via our Contact Us form.

  • All members of the school community are welcome to attend. Come along and have a look ~ you are welcome to come to two meetings without needing to join.

  • If there is something you’d like to discuss that requires a decision, you’ll need to submit a motion prior to the meeting (to the Secretary), please use the Notice of Motion template. This will need to be submitted before the Agenda is released on the Monday prior to the meeting.

General Meetings

P&C meet every fourth Tuesday of the month during Term time. 

Come along and have a look, we’d love to meet you!

Participation in meetings is encouraged, provided it is respectful, positive and on topic. Any point of conversation that is off-topic should be recorded and raised during the ‘new items’ section of our agenda. Although we have a firm structure, the process for participating is rather informal where everyone has an opportunity to contribute.

Our Code of Conduct (signed during the P&C registration process) binds participation.

Annual general meetings (Agm)

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held each year during Term 1.

The 2025 AGM for the Wishart State School P&C will be held on Tuesday, 25 March.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee is responsible for ensuring the Association fulfils its legislative requirements and is accountable for the P&C’s operations. Each year the P&C elects the Executive Committee, and will confirm any Sub Committees and their positions.

The Executive Committee consists of the following officers, and all positions become vacant and have to be reappointed yearly at the AGM.

  • President

  • At least one Vice-President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • And any additional offiers as decided by the Association.

A summary of each major Executive role can be found in the relevant handbooks on the P&C QLD website:

If you would like to nominate for one of the positions available on the Executive Committee, you will need to complete the Executive Officer Nomination Form prior to the meeting. It’s only if there are no other nominations for the position that you can nominate yourself on the night.


New and renewing members are required to complete a membership application form each year at the AGM. During the AGM, agenda item (g) discusses P&C Membership and new/renewing members are confirmed. From AGM agenda item (h) onwards, only those members who submitted a membership application are eligible to move, second and vote.

If you are unable to attend the AGM, you must submit your signed membership form to the Secretary prior to the AGM via email to



Dates for 2025 Tuesday meetings are set as follows:

Term 1

25 February

25 March (includes AGM)

Term 2

27 May

24 June

Term 3

22 July

26 August

Term 4

28 October

25 November